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Here you will find cardio-based sessions in various variations. Try an interval-based high pulse class or a choreography-based step class.

Here you will find cardio-based sessions in various variations. Try an interval-based high pulse class or a choreography-based step class.

Quickfix with Sandra

20 min of effective cardio and strength.
Equipment: None

Fitness Choreo with Sandra

55 min aerobics/choreography.
Equipment: None.

Hiit step with Sandra

30 min interval on step (Possible to do without step, or use bosu ball)

Hiit Cardio with Tone Lise

25 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Fitness cardio with Sandra

30 min. Equipment: mat.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Fitness Cardio with Nina

30 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Hiit Cardio with Emilie

22 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Step choreography #1 with Kjell

45 min.
Equipment: Step (can also use floor)

Step Choreography with Sandra

20 min.
Equipment: Step box (possibly bosu/steps/floor)

Step Choreography #2 with Kjell

45 min.
Equipment: Step (can also use the floor)

Fitness interval with Sandra

40 min of cardio and strength.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

4 x 4 with Nina

30 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Fitness cardio with Tone Lise

30 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Warm-up with Nina

10 min.
Equipment: none, only 2-4m space around you.

Contact Sports center

00 47 51 83 33 80
SiS sportssenter (UiS Campus)

Opening hours

Monday: 06:00–22:00

Tuesday: 06:00–22:00

Wednesday: 06:00–22:00

Thursday: 06:00–22:00

Friday: 06:00–21:00

Saturday: 09:00–20:00

Sunday: 10:00–21:00

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